Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do you know what kind of plant this is?

<-----------Do you know what kind of plant this is?

It is my fondest hope that someone someday will read this and leave me a comment letting me know what type of plant this is.

This little guy is a cutting-the last surviving leaf-from

a plant that used to belong to my Mom (now deceased).

If this little guy doesn't make it, I'll be mighty sad. So far it's sending out roots and looks to be doing well BUT I have no idea what killed off the 'host' plant, so I am afraid that when I plant this guy, it'll be not long for this world.

Fingers crossed. It could use a few friends though, so what the heck is it?


  1. Looks like the leaf of a geranium ... quite popular in Holland and Belgium ...

  2. I concur. Geraniums get those variegated spots on their leaves too. BTW AD - you didn't tell me you had a blog too!
